Podiatry Adelaide: Home Based Podiatry

Home visit podiatry is a convenient way to get your feet checked. It saves time, money and the hassle of travelling to a clinic.

This study was the first to examine if targeted telehealth service provision could improve podiatrists’ caseloads, especially in rural and regional areas. It would help to alleviate a vital issue – access. For more information about the homebased podiatry Adelaide, click here.

Relieves Pain

podiatry AdelaideHome-visiting podiatrists provide quality care for your feet, ankles and lower legs. Podiatrists are specialist allied health professionals dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical and surgical conditions of the foot and lower leg.

A visit from one of our qualified home podiatrists can relieve your foot pain, heal your feet and prevent future problems. Using advanced diagnostic tools, including digital and symptomatic pressure analysis, our podiatrists can assess and treat conditions such as hammertoe, bunions, sprained ankles, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis and more.

Saves Time

Home visit podiatry services are convenient and cost-effective. They help people with limited mobility get back to living without the added stress of getting to and from the clinic. Our tertiary-qualified Adelaide podiatrists are experts in foot, ankle and lower leg health. They have spent years of study dedicated to this one area of the body.

Podiatrists work with allied health professionals to promote good quality of life and encourage active movement. It enables them to identify underlying health issues and refer clients to a broader team of healthcare specialists, promoting holistic well-being.

Home visit podiatry services are bulk-billed in Australia, which means the government pays a small amount of your appointment fee. You may also be eligible for a Medicare rebate under the Chronic Disease Management Program (EPC or MBS) if your GP refers you to a podiatrist for a treatment plan. Currently, this includes diabetes and arthritis assessments and care.

Saves Money

Managing a podiatry practice can be difficult, from keeping clients happy to finding new marketing strategies. One aspect that can sometimes get overlooked is billing. It’s essential to have accurate billing, especially if you want your client to get the most out of their insurance coverage.

If your client has Medicare, they may be able to claim podiatry services on their health fund through HICAPS. If a GP refers them, their health fund may also cover the cost of their treatment. Medicare rebates are not available for people who aren’t directed by a GP or don’t have a chronic disease.

Few bursaries are available for podiatry students, and completing a pre-registration podiatry degree will typically cost a student between $33,000-$120,000. It’s, therefore, no surprise that some podiatrists feel less secure in their financial situation than others. This research used data from Victorian podiatrists in Wave 1 of the Podiatrists in Australia: Investigating Graduate Employment (PAIGE) survey. For more information about the homebased podiatry Adelaide, click here.

Saves the Environment

Podiatrists can help reduce your carbon footprint by addressing the causes of your foot problems. They can suggest simple changes such as switching to more environmentally sustainable footwear or recommending a new style of shoe or sole. They can also advise on using energy-efficient heating and lighting in your home.

The Australian podiatry industry is embracing sustainability, and the 2019 national conference theme was ‘Physical activity, feet and wider health’. In addition, the Australian Podiatry Association has commenced a green strategy to promote sustainable practice.

Having a career that has gone full circle, Maree was the first podiatrist to employ Daniel when he graduated, then joined his practice in Queensland for 17 years before moving back to her home state of Tasmania in early 2017. She is an avid traveller and loves the fact that she can bring her professional skills and holistic approach to care directly to your door! For more information about the homebased podiatry Adelaide, click here.