What Is Website Design?

Website design is developing digital products tailored explicitly for display on the World Wide Web using graphics, photos and written content.

An effective website design Adelaide can help your brand reach its target audience with resonating messages. Failure could damage both your brand and online presence.


website design AdelaideReadability is integral to any website, from words and sentence structure to legibility and font size. Readability ensures readers quickly locate what they are seeking when browsing content quickly.

Legibility refers to how easily letters can be distinguished from each other – this includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numeric characters, symbols, and any other glyphs – as well as any contrast between foreground colours and background colours; dark fonts on white backgrounds tend to be more legible than light ones on black ones.

Navigational elements

Website navigation has an enormous effect on user experience. It can directly affect how long visitors remain on a site, whether or not they convert into customers, and whether or not they recommend it to others – so understanding how to design one with optimal navigation is critical for success.

Whether your website belongs to an entertainment studio, restaurant, or e-commerce store – easy and intuitive navigation are key components. Without it, visitors could become frustrated and leave quickly – potentially decreasing conversions/sales while negatively affecting the brand image.

Studies demonstrate the significance of how you present navigation links: people remember them more vividly when placed first or last in a list than if presented midway through it.

Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy refers to the practice of organising essential elements of your website’s interface in such a way as to draw users’ eyes towards important content while simultaneously keeping their attention focused. Visitors could miss essential information without an obvious hierarchy or become lost in a sea of unorganised pages.

One way of creating a hierarchy is by altering the size of design elements. Larger elements can draw the eye more readily, helping visitors understand where their focus should lie.

Colour and contrast can also help establish visual hierarchy. They can show that certain elements should take priority by drawing attention to certain objects – for instance, using high-contrast call-to-action buttons will draw the eye directly towards them against dark backgrounds. Visual hierarchy can also be achieved using other design principles like whitespace and negative space usage.


Colour can be one of the most potent tools in website design Adelaide. It psychologically affects visitors and can compel them to respond positively to your call-to-action, whether calling your business, purchasing something or service from you, or filling out a contact form.

Colour schemes on websites should reflect the company’s brand, creating an emotional experience for visitors that reinforces trust and credibility with your visitors.

Warm colours can provoke optimism and excitement, while cool tones communicate a sense of authority and stability. Whole Foods’ green website design illustrates its dedication to healthful, natural ingredients.

Analogous colours lie adjacent to the colour wheel, making an excellent choice for modern and minimalistic websites. However, too liberal use could become tiring on the eyes; for a more subdued approach, use a monochromatic palette with shades and tints of one hue instead.


Font selection plays a pivotal role in how users experience and perceive your website and brand, as well as in call-to-action (CTA) conversion rates and time-on-site metrics.

Selecting suitable fonts requires both style and legibility in mind. Unreadable content will discourage visitors from engaging with your website.

Starting is best done using web safe fonts, universally supported, such as Arial, Helvetica Georgia Times New Roman and Verdana fonts.


A practical website layout can dramatically impact how users engage with it. A great design should be intuitive, supporting your marketing message while remaining easy to navigate and consistent across your site.

There are various website design options, and choosing the optimal one depends on your goals and user needs. A magazine layout works particularly well for sites focusing on content-heavy web pages like blogs and landing pages; similarly, it may work for blogs.